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Wednesday, June 11

9:00am MDT

#1.Creating Data Driven Students Culture #2 Using AI to create effective CFAs #3 Creating a Student Driven Classroom Culture TBA A-D-H-WHAT!? TBA Advancing Educator Excellence: Navigating APL Micro-Credentials for Licensure Advancement in New Mexico. TBA AI Meets History: Real-World Problem-Solving in Social Studies for Gifted & Advanced Learners TBA Apple Intelligence for Education: A New Era of Innovation TBA Art Integration 101 TBA Back to School in two Months? Start by Building Community! TBA Basic Assessment Structure for RTI/MTSS/MLSS Caldera Ballroom A Brain Stew TBA Bring the JOY of Writing Back to our Classrooms! Writing Across the Curriculum: A Compliment to your Writer's Workshop! TBA Building a Strong Foundation: Inclusive Literacy Strategies from Birth to Preschool TBA Building Disciplinary Literacy through Reading Apprenticeship TBA Choice Boards: Differentiating Instruction through Interactive Technology TBA Climbing THE LADDER OF READING & WRITING: Meeting the Needs of ALL Learners TBA Closing the Reading Gap in Secondary Classrooms: Strategies for Success TBA Coaching Literacy Instruction: Using the Collaborative Problem-Solving Process as a Framework TBA Communication for Collaboration: Conversational Skills are Only the Beginning! TBA Community Initiative- Heroes In The Community TBA Creating the Conditions for Student Success: Implementing the SAILS Instructional Model for Transformative Leadership TBA Creative Drama: Connections to Language, Literacy and Creativity TBA Cultivating Connection: SEL & Wellness Strategies for an Engaged Classroom TBA Cultural Responsiveness: Information to Guide Instruction TBA Dynamic Comprehension: What Every Secondary Teacher Needs to Know TBA Dynamic Comprehension: What Every Secondary Teacher Needs to Know TBA Dyslexia in the Classroom: Understanding, Supporting, and Building Confidence in English Learners TBA Elevate NM: Empowering Educators to Drive Growth and Success TBA Empowering Families: Strategies for Deepening Engagement TBA Engage Students and Improve Literacy Skills Through Chess TBA Engaging All Learners: Modeling a Secondary Lesson with Universal Design Principles TBA Enriching Literacy through MLSS: Layered Strategies for Gifted and Advanced Learners TBA Explicit Vocabulary Instruction for Elementary Teachers TBA Filipino Culture TBA Fluency as a Key Accelerator in the Secondary Classroom (Parts I and II) TBA Good News Good Planet Schools TBA Hands-On History: Through an Economic Lens TBA Hands-On Personal Finance: Lessons and Resources TBA Help, My Students Can’t Comprehend: The Science of Reading for Secondary Educators TBA How Biliteracy Trajectories Support the Student Journey in the Era of Science of Reading TBA Implementing SOR-Aligned Writing Instruction in Content-Area Classrooms TBA Innovative Assessment for the New Graduation Requirements TBA Inquiry by Design TBA Let’s Talk About It! Developing Critical Thinking and Communication Skills Through Student Discourse TBA Let’s Talk Foundations: Oral Language Development TBA Making Lexile Measures Actionable: Enhancing Literacy in New Mexico Classrooms TBA Math and Literacy: Professional Learning with High Impact Coaching and Feedback TBA Meeting the Needs of Students with Reading Difficulties Through Structured Literacy in Targeted Small Group Instruction TBA MLSS in the Reading Classroom TBA New Mexico Social Studies Standards: Resources and Strategies TBA NMPED Open Education Resources (OER) Website for New Mexico Educators TBA Oral Language Development through Interactive Processing Structures for Elementary Teachers TBA Oral Language Development with LEGOS TBA Peer to Peer Coaching for Improved Literacy Outcomes TBA Pizzanomics: Understanding Capitalism TBA Practical and Simple Fluency Instructional Strategies for Classroom Teachers and Reading Interventionists TBA Presentation 1: Crucial Factors in Helping Tier 2 and 3 Struggling Adolescent Readers Learn and Thrive in a Reading Intervention Program Presentation 2: Motivating the Struggling Adolescent Reader TBA Productive Group Talk: The Power of Oral Language and Reading Comprehension TBA Productive Group Talk: The Power of Oral Language and Reading Comprehension TBA Removing Intervention Challenges to Transform Student Outcomes TBA Restorative Practices with a Creative Twist TBA Rev-Up your K-8th Grade Literacy Stations Using Rigor & Relevance, Complex Literacy and Powerful Instruction! TBA Rooted in Learning: Place-Based and Community-Based Education Strategies TBA Roots and Connections: Empowering Indigenous Families in Educational Spaces TBA Science Integration in ELA TBA Sparking Creativity and Engagement in Grades 3-5 Writing TBA Special Education: Pros and Cons of Inclusion TBA Strategies for Teaching Phonology and Morphology to Upper-Grade Students TBA Supporting Differentiated Learning for Gifted and Advanced Students Using MLSS TBA Teaching Foundational Skills in Secondary Classrooms TBA Teaching Personal Finance: Useful & Free Resources for Teachers TBA The Laws of Literacy Leadership: Leader Moves that Get the Job Done TBA The Missing Link: Metacognitive Strategies to Foster Reading Comprehension in Inquiry-Based Learning TBA The Whole is Greater than the Sum of the Parts: Building an Integrated Humanities Course for Special Education Students TBA Understanding and Navigating the Implementation of High-Quality Instructional Materials TBA Universal Design for Learning and Literacy is a perfect match! TBA Unleashing Potential: Power of Instructional Coaching and Banned Book Clubs TBA Unlocking Authentic Expression: How AI Empowers Writers TBA Voices of the Land: Exploring Indigenous Narratives and the NM Indigenous Instructional Scope TBA When Big Kids Struggle to Read Caldera Ballroom A WIN Time for the WIN! How School-Wide Reading Intervention is Revolutionizing How Our Campus Addressed Reading Deficits TBA You have completed the Dyslexia Screener, Now What? TBA “How can I foster curiosity and learning in my classroom? Through talk! TBA “I am not a Literacy Teacher…”- Disciplinary Literacy in ALL Classrooms TBA
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