Wednesday June 11, 2025 9:00am - 10:00am MDT
Research shows, “Writing is a vehicle for improving reading!”
Grounded in research and classroom practice, this easy-to-use Writing strategy teaches students the foundational skills and strategies to become confident and independent writers.
Come and discover how to engage every student in writing across the curriculum daily from narrative to expository to poetry and more! Out with the dull worksheets and in with an innovative way to write across the curriculum.
Students will thrive with these easy-to-use strategies that encourage them to “Write like a scientist and a historian!” This workshop will assist educators in creating new and rigorous writing lessons, aligned to the DOK levels, the Five Reading Components, and your State Reading and Writing standards, as well as the Content Area standards! This session will also include tips on how to pull small writing groups and implement daily formative assessments.
Let’s bring the importance and the JOY of Writing back to our K-8th Grade classrooms!
Wednesday June 11, 2025 9:00am - 10:00am MDT

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