Wednesday June 11, 2025 9:00am - 10:00am MDT
In this session, research from TNTP will be presented on why we need to be addressing Layer 1 for all students through grade appropriate assignments, strong instruction and deep engagement, and how high expectations need to be present in order for our students to succeed. We will move to a Layer 2 Lesson plan to reach Layer 1 then discuss how to flesh out the need for support in Layer 3 through screeners. Participants will have an opportunity to manipulate the layers of support and test their savvy. They will also work in small groups to create a L1-3 opportunity for a reading standard for literature or informational text using a suggested lesson plan template. Then, as teams, they will share any ahha’s, productive struggles and then any questions, comments or concerns they have.
Wednesday June 11, 2025 9:00am - 10:00am MDT

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